This month in my notebook:
Therefore, we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time, we should let them slip.
-Hebrews 2:1
"I grew up believing that the willingness and ability to work is the basic ingredient of successful farming. Hard, intelligent work is key. Use it, and your chances for success are good.
-Ezra Taft Benson
"Why have prophets of God been commanded to proclaim liberty and lead the battle to preserve freedom? Because freedom basic to the great plan of the Lord. The gospel can prosper only in an atmosphere of freedom. This fact is confirmed by history, as well as by sacred scriptures. The right of choice - free agency - runs like a golden thread throughout the gospel plan of the Lord for the blessing of His children."
-Ezra Taft Benson
"When you... see our Father, you will see a Being with whom you have long been acquainted, and He will receive you into His arms, and you will be ready to fall into His embrace and kiss Him... You will be so glad and joyful, ... When you are qualified and purified, ... you can endure the glory of eternity."
-Brigham Young (JD 4:54-55)
"I have told you many times that there are pure and holy spirits waiting to take tabernacles, now what is our duty? -to prepare tabernacles for them; to take a course that will not tend to drive those spirits into the families of the wicked, where they will be trained in wickedness, debauchery, and every species of crime. It is a duty of every righteous man and woman to prepare tabernacles for all the spirits they can..."
-Brigham Young (JD 4:56)
"While we try to teach our children about life, our children teach us what life is all about."
"They are illustrious because they think."
-Victor Hugo, Les Miserables
"How sweet are Thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!"
-Psalm 119:103
"There are some who feel that venting their personal anger or deeply held opinions is more important than conducting themselves as Jesus Christ lived and taught. How we disagree is a real measure of who we are and whether we truly follow the Savior."
-Quentin L. Cook
"I never like to have my own feelings wounded. I try to have charity for the sincere sentiments of all men; but it is needful that the truth be spoken in plainness. It is no act of friendship to flatter, to deceive and to gloss over error, when by exposing it the souls of some honest people may be saved."
-Orson F. Whitney (JD 26:263)
"The plan of salvation is the gospel of liberty. And now, in these the last days, immediately precedent to the return of Christ, who shall come to rule in righteousness on earth, the arch-fiend is making desperate effort to enthrall mankind under the autocracy of hell. The conflict under which the earth has been made to groan was a repetition of the premundane war, whereby the free agency of spirits was vindicated; and the eventual issue of the later struggle was equally assured."
-James E. Talmage
10 March 2015
06 February 2015
January Commonplace Sampler
From my notebook this past month:
"And if my soul may find her peace
In sleep, and sink in good oblivion,
And in the morning wake like a new-opened flower
Then I have been dipped again in God, and new created."
- D. H. Lawrence
"The most important work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home."
-Harold B. Lee
"Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling... It is not something to do if you can squeeze the time in, it is what God gave you time for."
-quoted by Neil L. Anderson
And I said unto them: Have ye inquired of the Lord? And they said unto me: We have not; for the Lord maketh no such thing known unto us."
-1 Nephi 15:9-10
"The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts."
-Marcus Aurelus
Gratitude transcends whatever is happening around us. It surpasses disappointment, discouragement, and despair. It blooms just as beautifully in the icy landscape of winter as it does in the pleasant warmth of summer."
-Dieter F. Uchtdorf
"I am more afraid that this people have so much confidence in their leaders that they will not inquire for themselves of God whether they are lead by Him. I am fearful that they settle down in a state of blind self-security, trusting their eternal destiny in the hands of their leaders with a reckless confidence that in itself would thwart the purposes of God in their salvation, and weaken that influence they could give their leaders if they did know for themselves, by the revelations of Jesus, that they are led in their right way. Let every man and woman know, by the whisperings of the Spirit... whether their leaders are walking in the path the Lord dictates, or not."
-Brigham Young
"And if my soul may find her peace
In sleep, and sink in good oblivion,
And in the morning wake like a new-opened flower
Then I have been dipped again in God, and new created."
- D. H. Lawrence
"The most important work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home."
-Harold B. Lee
"Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling... It is not something to do if you can squeeze the time in, it is what God gave you time for."
-quoted by Neil L. Anderson
And I said unto them: Have ye inquired of the Lord? And they said unto me: We have not; for the Lord maketh no such thing known unto us."
-1 Nephi 15:9-10
"The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts."
-Marcus Aurelus
Gratitude transcends whatever is happening around us. It surpasses disappointment, discouragement, and despair. It blooms just as beautifully in the icy landscape of winter as it does in the pleasant warmth of summer."
-Dieter F. Uchtdorf
"I am more afraid that this people have so much confidence in their leaders that they will not inquire for themselves of God whether they are lead by Him. I am fearful that they settle down in a state of blind self-security, trusting their eternal destiny in the hands of their leaders with a reckless confidence that in itself would thwart the purposes of God in their salvation, and weaken that influence they could give their leaders if they did know for themselves, by the revelations of Jesus, that they are led in their right way. Let every man and woman know, by the whisperings of the Spirit... whether their leaders are walking in the path the Lord dictates, or not."
-Brigham Young
31 August 2014
Chapter 3 - Jesus Christ Succors
In addition to giving the children of God an avenue to repent, the Atonement also offers comfort from the pains we all suffer. In the book of Alma, there's a great verse that talks about this further:
"And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people. And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities. - Alma 7:11-12"
Expanding on this scripture, Elder Henry B. Eyring said, "He could have known how to succor us simply by revelation, but He chose to learn by His own personal experience."
This doctrine has brought me great comfort in my life, and I love that the author starts out this third chapter with these verses from Alma, saying "From His suffering was born an infinite ability to succor." Then she points out that a mother's days and weeks are filled with opportunities to succor her children. Ms. Sorensen comments, "While both we and our children must depend on the Savior for the ultimate healing of physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual suffering, a mother's efforts to heal and comfort her children area reflection of the Savior's ministry.
As a mom, I know I can comfort my son; that often just a simple touch or hug can "fix" whatever's ailing; it amazes me sometimes, how much so. And I love that Ms. Sorensen pointed out the parallels between moms and Christ, in this way. This one's a fairly short chapter, and much of it is examples, with her own kids, when her being there could "make it better".
"Much of this business of succoring is done quietly and privately. When children wake up vomiting in the middle of the night and you rub their back and provide them every comfort within your reach, it is a sacred secret between them and you. It often goes unnoticed even by your husband or other children. That is often how Christ succored. In the book of Matthew, we read the story of a leper who approached Jesus and worshiped him. He asked Jesus to heal him, "and immediately his leprosy was cleansed.' As the leper walked away, Jesus requested, "See thou tell no man; but go thy way."
A mother's role is to treat our children with kindness and love, as Christ treated all those around him. But it doesn't have to be limited just to our individual families. Elder Jeffery R. Holland urged us to be more caring of all people when he said:
"I ask you to be a healer, be a helper, be someone who joins in the work of Christ in lifting burdens, in making the load lighter, in making things better. As children, when we had a bump or a bruise, didn't we say to Mom or Dad, "Make it better"? Well, lots of people on your right hand and on your left are carrying bumps and bruises that they hope will be healed and made whole. Someone you know is carrying a spiritual or physical or emotional burden of some sort, or some other affliction drawn from life's catalog of a thousand kinds of sorrow. In the spirit of Christ's first invitation to his twelve Apostles, jump into this work. Help people... and try to make things better."
covenant motherhood,
jesus christ love
16 August 2014
Chapter 2 - Jesus Christ Teaches
Ok! Now that the move is over and gone and we're starting to fall back into a sort of normal routine, I'm back to continue my progress through Covenant Motherhood.
This chapter - Jesus Christ Teaches, seemed pretty straight forward; of course our jobs as parents is to teach. And that's pretty much what Ms. Sorensen was saying: teach all things; church is to just supplement what is taught at home.
Yep, I'm in total agreement with that. But she did find some really great quotes supporting that approach to parenting. Like this one from Elder Neil L. Andersen:
And, along the same lines of worthwhile things seemingly having no effect, part of this chapter talks about how even Jesus Christ was weary at times:
The chapter closes with a quote from Elder Jeffery R. Holland:
This chapter - Jesus Christ Teaches, seemed pretty straight forward; of course our jobs as parents is to teach. And that's pretty much what Ms. Sorensen was saying: teach all things; church is to just supplement what is taught at home.
Yep, I'm in total agreement with that. But she did find some really great quotes supporting that approach to parenting. Like this one from Elder Neil L. Andersen:
Our challenge as parents and teachers is not to create a spiritual core in their souls but rather to fan the flame of their spiritual core already aglow with the fires of their premortal faith ... The stories of Jesus shared over and over bring faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and strength to the foundation of testimony.Also, I liked this quote from Ms. Sorensen: " Our feeble efforts to teach may seem to go largely unnoticed and unheeded, but many scriptures and prophets and apostles bear witness of the potential for lasting influence." (like Enos, Alma the Younger and the stripling warriors)
And, along the same lines of worthwhile things seemingly having no effect, part of this chapter talks about how even Jesus Christ was weary at times:
After He learned about the death of John the Baptist, Jesus sought solitude. "When Jesus heard of it, He departed thence by ship into a desert place apart." (what mother hasn't felt like she needs a quiet moment but the clamor just follows?) The people still "followed him on foot out of the cities." Jesus "saw the great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, " and He taught them and healed them. After a while, the disciples tried to turn the crowd away, but Jesus said, "They need not depart." When we make the same concessions with our own children, despite our weariness, the Savior will sustain us and send the Holy Ghost to consecrate our teachings for their good and for our strength.Then the chapter moves into talking about important things that need to be taught and ways parents can teach them. She quotes some general authorities, and sums it all up by saying:
The Savior is a perfect example of teaching the right things at the right time. The study of His teachings arms us with the most important lessons our children will need to know. I once did a search throughout the New Testament using the phrase "Jesus said." It was fascinating to see what specific teachings came directly from His mouth, and it helped me focus more on communicating those same principles to my children. I also search the phrases "Jesus taught," "Jesus answered," "Jesus spoke," and "Jesus testified." I was really interested to discover that out of those four verbs, the action of answering was mentioned in the New Testament at least five times more frequently than the other three verbs. Than, in itself, teaches an important lesson: the Savior listened to and perceived people's questions and then taught them truth and doctrine through His answers.
The chapter closes with a quote from Elder Jeffery R. Holland:
"No child in this Church should be left with uncertainty about his or her parents' devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ ... Live the gospel as conspicuously as you can. Keep the covenants your children know you have made. Give priesthood blessings. And bear your testimony! Don't just assume your children will somehow get the drift of your beliefs on their own."
29 March 2014
Chapter 1: Jesus Christ Creates
Jesus Christ was our perfect and best example. His role in creation, and in our lives today, is vast and far reaching, but at the same time He knows us, as individuals, and cares for each and everyone of us. How much more personal can it get?
Stephanie says, "Thought it's sometimes hard to recognize, we participate in making His amazing work more intimate as we fulfill our eternal role as mothers." Part of that, of course, is in a woman's ability to create life itself. However, all that creative potential notwithstanding, whether we have children in this lifetime or not, it is interesting to note that Eve was called "mother of all living" before she had any children; her title was reflective of her divine role and eternal nature.
In the Doctrine and Covenants, we are told to "establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God." In this chapter, Stephanie talks about how homes can be like temples. Like God and Jesus Christ worked together to create a world were we, His children, could grow and live and develop, "we have the opportunity to create homes that are sacred, safe and sanctified." She then compares women who spend time establishing their home to be a house of God, to temple matrons. I love that!
In this chapter, she also spends a while talking about "matter unorganized". Jesus Christ, from matter unorganized, created this world where we all live. I don't know about you, but I often look around and see, strewn throughout my home much matter unorganized. Bringing order from chaos is creating. One does not need to be a master scrapbooker or seamstress or artist to be creative. Sister Mary Ellen Smoot said:
Stephanie says, "Thought it's sometimes hard to recognize, we participate in making His amazing work more intimate as we fulfill our eternal role as mothers." Part of that, of course, is in a woman's ability to create life itself. However, all that creative potential notwithstanding, whether we have children in this lifetime or not, it is interesting to note that Eve was called "mother of all living" before she had any children; her title was reflective of her divine role and eternal nature.
In the Doctrine and Covenants, we are told to "establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God." In this chapter, Stephanie talks about how homes can be like temples. Like God and Jesus Christ worked together to create a world were we, His children, could grow and live and develop, "we have the opportunity to create homes that are sacred, safe and sanctified." She then compares women who spend time establishing their home to be a house of God, to temple matrons. I love that!
In this chapter, she also spends a while talking about "matter unorganized". Jesus Christ, from matter unorganized, created this world where we all live. I don't know about you, but I often look around and see, strewn throughout my home much matter unorganized. Bringing order from chaos is creating. One does not need to be a master scrapbooker or seamstress or artist to be creative. Sister Mary Ellen Smoot said:
"Have you ever coaxed a smile from a baby? Have you ever taught someone to forgive? Have you helped someone learn to read? Prepared a family home evening? Organized a family reunion? Possibly you were prompted to do something for a person you go visiting teaching or home teaching to that made a great difference in their lives. If you have done some of these things, you have been creative."One of my favorite quotes from this chapter is this:
Constant mothering, in slow motion, may appear ordinary. But we don't realize how truly powerful it is. Without appropriate eternal perspective, this slow-motion process can sometimes feel discouraging. President Spencer W. Kimball acknowledged, "Much is said about the drudgery and the confinement of the woman's role in the home. In the perspective of the gospel it is not so. There is divinity in each new life. There is challenge in creating the environment in which a child can grow and develop. There is partnership between the man and the women in building a family which can last throughout the eternities."When we create, we grow closer to our Heavenly Parents; we "emulate Jesus Christ when we create" and in doing this we work to fulfill his mission through our everyday efforts in mothering.
09 March 2014
Covenant Motherhood
So, this post has been brewing in my mind since my sweet hubby got me this book for Christmas. I've been a long-time follower of the blog Diapers and Divinity. I like the focus - finding faith in motherhood. I like the author, Stephanie Dibb Sorensen, and her wry humor and how she works in thought provoking ideas with her funny anecdotes. So, when I heard that she was putting out a book, shortly after I became a mom myself, I was interested and put it on my wish list.
Often, I feel like being a mom who stays home is a less than trendy choice. Motherhood is all sorts of things and I'm happy to be a stay-at-home mom; it's a choice I'd gladly make again, but it's still not always an easy one and I often struggle to keep the purpose for my choosing it in sharp focus in my mind.
What first got my attention about this book, Covenant Motherhood, was the main thesis. The introduction is, as all good intros are, basically a summary of the message she's hoping to portray with her book: Motherhood Testifies of Christ.
That got my attention, right off. So many times, in the church, I hear people say things like, "guys get the priesthood, girls get to be moms." Like it's some consolation prize or something. Like, Boom! You're a mom, now you've met your measure of creation, you're done. I find that a weak answer and highly unsatisfying; I don't believe that can possibly be all there is to it.
In my own private study, I've tried finding things to further help clarify it in my mind, and I've found things talking about the importance of family and kids having moms and dads. I know having kids is basically a commandment, so I know it's important and I believe it, but was hoping for more substance. Then I found this book and she's done a lot of the research I'd been trying to do, so I thought I'd dig in and give it a look.
Right off the bat, I'm loving it.
First, Stephanie talks about motherhood like it's a title, quoting Heber J. Grant saying, "Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind" (the italics are me). That idea definitely resonates with me. Motherhood is a job one takes on; a choice; and one I'm striving to understand so I can be the best mom I can be but, at the base of it all, I'm still the same self I was before.
In the introduction, she talks about how "motherhood is a messy symphony of joy and discouragement, satisfaction and guilt, determination and exhaustion, faith and fear," but in the hard moments, "when our senses are overwhelmed by the details, it can be so helpful to have a clear understanding of our role, our influence, and our commitment. Motherhood is one of the most important opportunities we have to become like Jesus Christ. The service we do for our children, even the simple things, is a symbol of the service Jesus Christ performs for us."
That is exactly what I'm looking for - a clear understanding of my role and my commitment, and I love the perspective that motherhood is an opportunity to become like Christ.
Repeatedly, over the last few months, I've struggled strongly with discouragement and other bleak feelings about motherhood overall. I have kept feeling prompted to read this book and, while I've started reading this book a couple times, I keep getting distracted long enough that I have to go back and reread things to remind me what they said.
Today, at church, the lesson talked about faith and how faith is basically trusting in Jesus Christ. Faith is belief strong enough to change one's actions, choices and behaviors. As we were talking about faith, the teacher had me read an excerpt from Matthew 8:26 - "Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?"
At first I thought that was pretty harsh, but as the teacher drew parallels from Peter's experience to our lives today, I began to feel like a lot of my difficulties (discouragements and other bleak feelings) about motherhood stem from fear. It really moved me. If I believe in the importance of motherhood, why do I let doubts take such strong hold in me?
No more. I'm moving to action. Belief is not enough, it needs action as well in order to be faith.
So! Here I am. I'm going to actually read the book ALL the way through and I'm going to use this blog to keep me honest.
Often, I feel like being a mom who stays home is a less than trendy choice. Motherhood is all sorts of things and I'm happy to be a stay-at-home mom; it's a choice I'd gladly make again, but it's still not always an easy one and I often struggle to keep the purpose for my choosing it in sharp focus in my mind.
What first got my attention about this book, Covenant Motherhood, was the main thesis. The introduction is, as all good intros are, basically a summary of the message she's hoping to portray with her book: Motherhood Testifies of Christ.
That got my attention, right off. So many times, in the church, I hear people say things like, "guys get the priesthood, girls get to be moms." Like it's some consolation prize or something. Like, Boom! You're a mom, now you've met your measure of creation, you're done. I find that a weak answer and highly unsatisfying; I don't believe that can possibly be all there is to it.
In my own private study, I've tried finding things to further help clarify it in my mind, and I've found things talking about the importance of family and kids having moms and dads. I know having kids is basically a commandment, so I know it's important and I believe it, but was hoping for more substance. Then I found this book and she's done a lot of the research I'd been trying to do, so I thought I'd dig in and give it a look.
Right off the bat, I'm loving it.
First, Stephanie talks about motherhood like it's a title, quoting Heber J. Grant saying, "Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind" (the italics are me). That idea definitely resonates with me. Motherhood is a job one takes on; a choice; and one I'm striving to understand so I can be the best mom I can be but, at the base of it all, I'm still the same self I was before.
In the introduction, she talks about how "motherhood is a messy symphony of joy and discouragement, satisfaction and guilt, determination and exhaustion, faith and fear," but in the hard moments, "when our senses are overwhelmed by the details, it can be so helpful to have a clear understanding of our role, our influence, and our commitment. Motherhood is one of the most important opportunities we have to become like Jesus Christ. The service we do for our children, even the simple things, is a symbol of the service Jesus Christ performs for us."
That is exactly what I'm looking for - a clear understanding of my role and my commitment, and I love the perspective that motherhood is an opportunity to become like Christ.
Repeatedly, over the last few months, I've struggled strongly with discouragement and other bleak feelings about motherhood overall. I have kept feeling prompted to read this book and, while I've started reading this book a couple times, I keep getting distracted long enough that I have to go back and reread things to remind me what they said.
Today, at church, the lesson talked about faith and how faith is basically trusting in Jesus Christ. Faith is belief strong enough to change one's actions, choices and behaviors. As we were talking about faith, the teacher had me read an excerpt from Matthew 8:26 - "Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?"
At first I thought that was pretty harsh, but as the teacher drew parallels from Peter's experience to our lives today, I began to feel like a lot of my difficulties (discouragements and other bleak feelings) about motherhood stem from fear. It really moved me. If I believe in the importance of motherhood, why do I let doubts take such strong hold in me?
No more. I'm moving to action. Belief is not enough, it needs action as well in order to be faith.
So! Here I am. I'm going to actually read the book ALL the way through and I'm going to use this blog to keep me honest.
15 August 2013
Another New Book
Well, my work with that sewing book is going nowhere fast. I've done some sewing, and I've learned some things, but not from that book. Time to try something else. The book I picked is actually a homeschool book we got that's too old for Hero (it's *so* hard to judge this stuff when you buy stuff without looking at it, which is typically how it works, since the stuff isn't available locally), but looking at it, not only do I love the concept for my own writing, but I think I'll teach it better for having done the exercises myself. Plus, I'd like to finish my novel, and this will make my writing better so that maybe I can actually sell it.
The book is The Writer's Workshop: Imitating Your Way to Better Writing, by Gregory L. Roper. He says that writing can very effectively be learned in the same way that art or music is: my studying and imitating the masters' works. In the introduction he sketches out a scene where an aspiring artist and musician study the greats and expand into their own style from there and then goes on to say:
This classical style of instruction makes a ton of sense to me. In fact, it's the philosophy that I'm already trying to use in our homeschool. (Incidentally, the commentary on this particular reason to study Latin is just one of a fistful of persuasive reasons that has me seriously considering adding it to our line-up at some point.) When I have Hero practice his handwriting I will typically choose a sentence from our read-aloud and have him write it out. Not only does he get to practice the nuts and bolts of letter formation and usage rules, but he is also (I hope) internalizing what great writers do. The way they build their sentences, the pace and rhythm of it, the vocabulary and style. Some of that will happen just in the process of reading the classics, but with the copywork, and later with exercises like the ones in this book, I hope to help my kids grasp at least the basics of what made the great writers so great. And I want that for myself, so I'm going to do it as well.
The book is The Writer's Workshop: Imitating Your Way to Better Writing, by Gregory L. Roper. He says that writing can very effectively be learned in the same way that art or music is: my studying and imitating the masters' works. In the introduction he sketches out a scene where an aspiring artist and musician study the greats and expand into their own style from there and then goes on to say:
I give you these two vignettes because in them is bound up the central method of this book: imitation of the great artists as a way to learn an art and develop into an accomplished artist oneself. It is, in fact, the way almost all crafts, all arts, have been learned throughout history, from blacksmithing to shoemaking to jazz to, yes, writing. Shakespeare, Chaucer, Milton, and countless others learned the art of writing in a school system that, in teaching Latin, forced these students to translate and imitate the great classical writers of antiquity, over and over again. ...
Now, few writing books on the market today teach you to write by making this method an important step in learning. Some of them suggest that if you just express your inner self enough, through free-writing and such, you'll figure out how to write well just by constantly saying what's inside you. Others explore writing as politics (usually from the left), and encourage you to see writing as a negotiation between your situation and the power struggles around you. Still others tell you about the basic forms - of assembling an essay (intros, bodies, conclusions), and of argument (definitional, casual, evaluative, etc.) - and have you try your hand at assembling the writing through working on mastering those forms. All of them have a grasp on a piece of the truth, but all of them, as G.K. Chesterton says of heretics, think their piece of the truth is the whole truth. (Pages xiv-xv)
This classical style of instruction makes a ton of sense to me. In fact, it's the philosophy that I'm already trying to use in our homeschool. (Incidentally, the commentary on this particular reason to study Latin is just one of a fistful of persuasive reasons that has me seriously considering adding it to our line-up at some point.) When I have Hero practice his handwriting I will typically choose a sentence from our read-aloud and have him write it out. Not only does he get to practice the nuts and bolts of letter formation and usage rules, but he is also (I hope) internalizing what great writers do. The way they build their sentences, the pace and rhythm of it, the vocabulary and style. Some of that will happen just in the process of reading the classics, but with the copywork, and later with exercises like the ones in this book, I hope to help my kids grasp at least the basics of what made the great writers so great. And I want that for myself, so I'm going to do it as well.
great books,
study helps,
The Writer's Workshop,
21 April 2013
Finally Getting To It
October 2011 was a long time ago. I've been reading since then, but haven't blogged any of it. And my sewing machine was very frustrating; it was so old I that I struggled to get the feet that I needed to do the Shirtmaking techniques, and it was starting to not sew very well. Now I have a new machine, so I'm coming back to the book that I'd previously selected. I'm still getting to know my new machine, and the projects in Stitch By Stitch are considerably simpler than trying to make a mens' dress shirt, so that's where I'm starting. Plus, I now have a baby daughter to sew for, and that's just fun. With the additional benefit that baby clothes are so small as to almost be sampler projects.
The first project in Stitch By Stitch is a simple sampler. Just make a row of all your stitches. I've been sewing for long enough not to get excited about that. Plus, my sewing time is precious, and I want to be working on a real project. I skipped the sampler. But I do want to see what my various decorative stitches look like, so I keep an eye peeled for an opportunity to try them out. Like here, where I hemmed this dress I'm making with a flower, rather than a plain straight stitch. Turned out cute!
The second project is to make a "thread drawing." That's machine appliqué, and it turns out that I'm finding it relatively challenging. First, I made my canvas. This will be a little onsie-dress when it's finished, and I put a butterfly near the hem on the front. Just getting to this point had me trying new things. I've already played with the satin stitch on my machine some. This time, I didn't set the stitches quite as tight as I have on other things. I think I'll keep them just a bit more tight in the future; I like a denser outline. I also used a little Wonder-Under to attach my butterfly. That' cool stuff. I now have Plans.
Next, I traced my stencil onto a scrap and tried the machine embroidery. That's trickier than it sounds! My book says to just grab some thread, lower the feed-dogs, and go. But it didn't turn out so hot. I think the technique has potential. There's some really beautiful "thread painting" out there. But my fabric kept puckering. I suspected that the tension was too much, but didn't know exactly what was going on. Whatever it was, I'm clearly not ready to do the Real Thing just yet.
The first project in Stitch By Stitch is a simple sampler. Just make a row of all your stitches. I've been sewing for long enough not to get excited about that. Plus, my sewing time is precious, and I want to be working on a real project. I skipped the sampler. But I do want to see what my various decorative stitches look like, so I keep an eye peeled for an opportunity to try them out. Like here, where I hemmed this dress I'm making with a flower, rather than a plain straight stitch. Turned out cute!
The second project is to make a "thread drawing." That's machine appliqué, and it turns out that I'm finding it relatively challenging. First, I made my canvas. This will be a little onsie-dress when it's finished, and I put a butterfly near the hem on the front. Just getting to this point had me trying new things. I've already played with the satin stitch on my machine some. This time, I didn't set the stitches quite as tight as I have on other things. I think I'll keep them just a bit more tight in the future; I like a denser outline. I also used a little Wonder-Under to attach my butterfly. That' cool stuff. I now have Plans.
Next, I traced my stencil onto a scrap and tried the machine embroidery. That's trickier than it sounds! My book says to just grab some thread, lower the feed-dogs, and go. But it didn't turn out so hot. I think the technique has potential. There's some really beautiful "thread painting" out there. But my fabric kept puckering. I suspected that the tension was too much, but didn't know exactly what was going on. Whatever it was, I'm clearly not ready to do the Real Thing just yet.
I turned to Pinterest, and found a couple tutorials, which I saved for future reference. I got some good pointers, including that I may need to adjust my tension to make the embroidery turn out. However. All the online tutorials I looked at agreed: I need a hoop to hold my cloth taut for me. I dug around, but I couldn't find one, so before I can go further I need to go get one. I'm thinking that it shouldn't need to be anything simple, so long as it holds the fabric nicely. We'll see. I'll do another sample to make sure that I can actually do this before I mess with the cute skirt that I've got started. I want that to actually turn out useable. If I can make this work, in spite of it being a first project (I don't hold myself to a very high standard on my first project; there's generally too much learning going on to get super hung up if it doesn't turn out perfect.), it'll turn out cute. Hopefully by doing my experimenting on scrap fabric I can get that learning out of the way and have a nice first project. I'd like that.
If all goes well I'll have this dress done and on my little Tigress here in the next couple of days!

28 October 2011
My New Book
Since there hasn't been any chatter about what books ya'll would like to read together, I think I'm going to pick out a pair of how-to book to work with for a while. I've been wanting to improve my sewing for a while, so I'm going to work on that.
The first book is Stitch-by-Stitch. I already have a copy of this one, and most of the projects are pretty easy. What I'm looking for with this is to make sure that my basic sewing skills are solid. Plus, most of the projects are cute. Maulbeere and I have plans to do one of them - a cute bag with an owl appliqued on it - together.
The second book I want to study is Shirtmaking, about making men's shirts. I checked it out of the library years ago and wanted it for my personal library, but couldn't find a copy then. By the time I realized that Amazon has it, it was way down the priority list. However, I was recently reminded that Andy pretty much never has shirts that fit, and I'd like to do something about that. So this is the second book I'll be getting. In the mean time, I can brush up on my skills with the other.
Wish me luck - and feel free to play along with either these books or a how-to of your choosing!
The first book is Stitch-by-Stitch. I already have a copy of this one, and most of the projects are pretty easy. What I'm looking for with this is to make sure that my basic sewing skills are solid. Plus, most of the projects are cute. Maulbeere and I have plans to do one of them - a cute bag with an owl appliqued on it - together.
The second book I want to study is Shirtmaking, about making men's shirts. I checked it out of the library years ago and wanted it for my personal library, but couldn't find a copy then. By the time I realized that Amazon has it, it was way down the priority list. However, I was recently reminded that Andy pretty much never has shirts that fit, and I'd like to do something about that. So this is the second book I'll be getting. In the mean time, I can brush up on my skills with the other.
Wish me luck - and feel free to play along with either these books or a how-to of your choosing!
22 September 2011
Another Book?
Even if we don't finish posting about the books we read, I feel like having a place to talk about the books we're reading - together or independently - is useful. To that end, I'm sharing a great list of historical and historical fiction authors that I came across this evening. Anything look interesting to you girls?
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